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<p>The Panoramax service operated by [NAME OF THE PUBLISHER] consists of the website [URL OF THE WEBSITE] and the API [URL OF THE API].</p><h2>Legal notices</h2><p>The publisher of the site is [NAME OF THE PUBLISHER]<br><b>Address:</b> [POSTAL ADDRESS OF THE PUBLISHER]<br><b>SIRET:</b> [SIRET NUMBER]<br><b>Publication director:</b> [NAME OF THE PHYSICAL PERSON IN CHARGE]<br><b>Contact address:</b> [CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS]<br><b>Host:</b> [NAME OF THE STRUCTURE HOSTING THE SERVER]</p><h2>License</h2><p>The contents are: [NAME AND LINK OF THE LICENSE]<br>The source code of the software of the service is free/libre.<br><h2>Data protection</h2>[KEEP THE FOLLOWING IF THE INSTANCE MANAGES ACCESS TO THE USER ACCOUNT EXTERNALLY (SUCH AS THE OSM INSTANCE]<br>[THIS IS SPECIFIC FOR EUROPEAN REGULATION, PLEASE ADAPT IT TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION THAT APPLIES]<br>In accordance with the GDPR regulation, [NAME OF THE PUBLISHER] is required to provide information as the data controller.<br>Only the username you created over the [URL OF THE EXTERNAL SERVICE E.G. OPENSTREETMAP.ORG] website is used to access to the Panoramax service. We keep it for a period of [PERIOD (SUGGESTED: 3 YEARS)].<br>You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and opposition by writing to us in French or English at [CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS].<br>[KEEP THE FOLLOWING IF THE INSTANCE MANAGES ACCESS TO THE USER ACCOUNT INTERNALLY (SUCH AS THE IGN INSTANCE]<br>In accordance with the GDPR regulation, [NAME OF THE PUBLISHER] is required to provide information as the data controller.<br>[LIST ALL REQUESTED PERSONAL DATA (E.G. 'Your surname, first name and email address')] are used by [NAME OF THE PUBLISHER] to access the Panoramax service. SPECIFIC TO THE FRENCH REGULATION]<br>You can file a complaint in French with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties 'Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés'.</p>
<p>Le service Panoramax opéré par [NOM DE LA STRUCTURE] est constitué du site internet [URL DU SITE WEB] et de l’API [URL DE L'API].</p><h2>Mentions légales</h2><p>L’éditeur du site est [NOM DE L'EDITEUR]<br><b>Adresse :</b> [ADRESSE POSTALE DE L'EDITEUR]<br><b>SIRET :</b> [NUMERO SIRET]<br><b>Directeur de publication :</b> [NOM DE LA PERSONNE RESPONSABLE]<br><b>Adresse de contact :</b> [ADRESSE EMAIL]<br><b>Hébergeur :</b> [NOM DE LA STRUCTURE QUI HEBERGE LE SERVER]</p><h2>Licence</h2><p>Les contenus sont : [NOM ET LIEN DE LA LICENSE]<br>The source code of the software of the service is free/libre.<br><h2>Data protection</h2>[GARDER LA SUITE SI L'INSTANCE GERE LES ACCES DES COMPTES UTILISATEURS EXTERNES (COMME SUR L'INSTANCE OSM)]<br>[UNIQUEMENT POUR LA REGULATION EUROPEENNE, ADAPTEZ LES POUR QUE LES MENTIONS SOIT EN REGLE PAR RAPPORT A LA REGULATION]<br>In accordance with the GDPR regulation, [NOM DE L'EDITEUR] is required to provide information as the data controller.<br>Only the username you created over the [URL DU SERVICE EXTERNE E.X. OPENSTREETMAP.ORG] website is used to access to the Panoramax service. It will only be processed for this purpose. We keep it for a period of [PERIODE (SUGGESTION: 3 ANS)].<br>You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and opposition by writing to us in French or English at [ADRESSE EMAIL].<br>[GARDER LA SUITE SI L'INSTANCE GERE LES ACCES DES COMPTES UTILISATEURS INTERNES (COMME SUR L'INSTANCE IGN)]<br>In accordance with the GDPR regulation, [NOM DE L'EDITEUR] is required to provide information as the data controller.<br>[LISTE DE TOUTES LES DONNEES PERSONNELLES OBLIGATOIRES (E.X. 'Votre nom, prénom et addresse email')] are used by [NOM DE L'EDITEUR] to access to the Panoramax service. It will only be processed for this purpose. We keep it for a period of [PERIODE (SUGGESTION: 3 ANS)].<br>[SPECIFIQUE A LA REGULATION FRANCAISE]<br>You can file a complaint in french with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties 'Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés'.</p>